Hey y'all I'm gonna show you how to Implement authentication with Flutter and NodeJS as a backend.
Most apps these days need authentication. A register screen and a login screen. It seems most people use firebase to store authentication data But today I'm here to teach you how to build your own server and use an open source database that's 100% free forever.
If you don't like to read, I also created a YouTube video explaining this.
Here's what we're aiming for.

First you need to create the Flutter App

Here's what the main class looks like, We need to download the HTTP package.

Open up the pubspec.yaml file and Import the HTTP package and save.

Next up we create the Sign Up Section class. Here we also initialize two variables email and password.

For the last part we create a function to post data to our API.

Full Source code here:
That’s it guys. This was the front end for Flutter Next we will build the backend with NodeJs. I hope you guys got something out of this article. If this article helped you go ahead and smash that clap button. Cheers 🍺
Part 2: Flutter & NodeJS Authentication
All Parts: Full YouTube Playlist